
Keeping your home fresh

Our homes are our castles. The places we return to after a hard day’s work, and share with our loved ones. They witness our joyous family occasions, our darkest and bleakest moments, and watch as we evolve over the years.

Amongst all of these complex emotions our homes should be there to provide the constant. They should shelter us and make us secure, relax us when we are stressed and inspire and revitalise us when we are feeling low. How is it possible to achieve all these demands under one roof? Well I am pleased to say that it is possible – but like most things in life, to achieve this goal it does involve a bit of effort from you. I am not one for following formats when it comes to interiors or bossing my clients, but there are a few basic rules that I strongly advise that you adhere to.

We are constantly evolving and therefore our homes should be evolving with us – and the most fundamental rule to stick to is get rid of the items that are no longer relevant – DO NOT HOARD! It is such an unhealthy way to live, and a cluttered house will not only stress you out but also drain you of energy. What is the point of investing in beautiful pieces of furniture if they are hidden behind a pile of old newspapers? I love my books but if I have no intention of re-reading them, or my children reading them, I pass them on. It gives me space on the shelves to collect new books. What percentage of our wardrobes are full of clothes we haven’t worn in 3 years? I think we all know the answer to that!

You don’t need to hang onto the ‘stuff ‘, and if you get into the routine of having regular trips to the charity shop or tip you will find it incredibly cleansing. Your home is then open for new, fresh things. Nothing is allowed to get stale and your beautiful treasured pieces have the space to shine.